but fiddler doens't show any output.
I have been troubleshooting some web services which I could not get to work ... and Microsoft Fiddler certainly did help.
You should certainly see the SOAP Request message (encoded) in TextView.
If you see no SOAP Response message at all in Session Inspector in TextView .. then look at Hex to see the raw hex response (which normally goes into your server log).
A few more tools I have gathered ..
SOAPscope Viewer which analyses your WSDL and allows you to invoke web services.
You can analyse WSDL's with
https:// .. secure connection.
Try first invoking your web service directly in SOAPscope Viewer.
Go to WSDL tab Add your target WSDL so that it shows in lefthand window View your WSDL (View Tab) Invoke your web service (Invoke Tab) and fill in the fields in the GUI. Send your Request (Send button) Analyse response. This bypasses any problems which may be introduced by your SOAP client, since your web service is invoked via SOAPscope Viewer.
You get a few days free trial of SOAPscope after which it reverts to a lighter version (invoke and WS-I test is disabled).
But it should help still in troubleshooting.
You can get an extension of free trial.
Another tool is
SOA Editor (free) which analyses WSDL files.
[ August 15, 2005: Message edited by: D L ]