I have extends BasicHandler in my own web Service ,
here the Handler is MyLogHandler,and i have configured
this Handler in server-config.wsdd,
but when i invoke the web service,my client cannot
get the web service information,
though the Handler worked.
I want to know whether the handler cannot effect on
the web service others handler and response handler?
if so,why my client cannot get the response?
the hanlder code is followed( i have copied this from others)
Handler handler = parm1.getService();
String filename = (String)getOption("filename");
if ((filename == null) || (filename.equals("")))
throw new AxisFault("Server.NoLogFile",
"No log file configured for
the LogHandler!",
null, null);
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(filename, true);
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(fos);
Integer counter = (Integer)handler.getOption("accesses");
if (counter == null)
counter = new Integer(0);
counter = new Integer(counter.intValue() + 1);
Date date = new Date();
String result = "在"+date + ": Web 服务 " +
parm1.getTargetService() +
" 被调用,现在已经共调用了 " + counter + " 次.";
handler.setOption("accesses", counter);
So Thanks!