I am developong a WebService Client ..The webservice we are accessing requires that we use
SOAP 1.2 for all communications.
Can you please help me with the following query?
For the purpose to satisfy the requirements, I am using the SAAJ 1.3 APIs. I have imported saaj-api.jar and saaj-impl.jar. I am using WSAD 5.1.0 as the
I am unable to create a SOAP message. The same works when I use the default SAAJ APIs available with WSAD.
//Create Message
MessageFactory requestMessageFactory = MessageFactory.newInstance(SOAPConstants.SOAP_1_2_PROTOCOL);
SOAPMessage requestMessage = requestMessageFactory.createMessage();
//Get the SOAPBody
SOAPEnvelope requestEnvelope = requestMessage.getSOAPPart().getEnvelope();
requestBody = requestEnvelope.getBody().addBodyElement(requestEnvelope.createName("Request");
//Add Body element to SOAP Body
SOAPElement hdrTag = requestBody.addChildElement(requestEnvelope.createName("Hdr"));
SOAPElement reqBdyTag = requestBody.addChildElement(requestEnvelope.createName("ReqBdy"));
The above line returns the value as [Request: null]
1. Can you please let me know where I am may be going wrong?
2. Is this a problem due to compatibility issue?
3. If SAAJ 1.3 is not preferable for implementation of SOAP 1.2 in WSAD, what other ways I can generate/handle SOAP request/response?