I have an application which is a web conference application. The application provider has given me a WSDL file which contains all the services provided by them. Now I have to get the methods from the WSDL file. I have to develop web application which contacts the methods generated by the WSDL file and perform some tasks.
For this, i used Apache axis to generate the code from the WSDL file.
1) Using the tool I have generated a wsdd file.
2)deployed the wsdd file on to the axis using org.apache.axis.client.AdminClient.
3)All the services were deployed onto the axis.
4) I have got all the methods corresponding to WSDL file.
5) Now I am stuck with a small issue as to how I can contact the application.
Now what i want to do is :
In place of application login page,i need to put my own web page wherein the user enters his details.After the user submitting the form,i need to perform the authentication tasks.
Below is the login process of conference application:
1)Actually when users registers to the application,the details of the users is stored in .dat file .
2)so, when the users login into the application,they check whether the user exists or not by checking in the .dat file.If user exists,he is allowed to access the application.If not,access is denied to the user.
Now,in want to place my own web page in place of conference application page.After the users enters the values in the web page to register,the details of the user should be stored in the .dat file.If the login into the application,i need to check whether the user is existing user or a new user.
You can find the WSDL file from the below URL So,can anyone please help me in this as this is very urgent for me.
Thanks in Advance,
Siva Sankar