I did not explain what I was asking very well.
Here is the code I am currently using in a proof-of-concept
Class collinClass = com.alltel.AlltelEAL_Collin_PortType.class;
//Create the service
AlltelEAL_Collin_Service_Impl collinService = new AlltelEAL_Collin_Service_Impl();
//create port
AlltelEAL_Collin_PortType port = (AlltelEAL_Collin_PortType) collinService.getPort(collinClass);
AccountLookupResponseType ealResponse = port.accountLookupPOC("M","5015550952");
CustomerInfo custInfo = ealResponse.getCustomerInfo();
String lastName = custInfo.getLastName();
String firstName = custInfo.getFirstName();
System.out.println("Customer's first name is " + firstName);
System.out.println("Customer's last name is " + lastName);
Here a serch is done on the phone number 5015550952 and the first and
last name is retrieved.
Here I created stub classes from the WSDL.
I like this approach since I would like to avoid creating the XML by hand if I can.
The problem I have is when this code goes to production, we need to create a header that contains a digital signiture.
What I want to do is continue to use the stubs but I need to use something like SAAJ to add the header.
Can this be done or I am approaching the problem the wrong way?
Thank you in advance.