1) s4s-att-not-allowed: Attribute 'maxOccurs' cannot appear in element 'element'. at Line #1
minOccurs and maxOccurs can not be used for the root elements, it can be used only by the child elements used in either sequence/all/any
2)src-ct.2.1: Complex Type Definition Representation Error for type '#AnonType_action'.
When <simpleContent> is used, the base type must be a complexType whose content type is
simple, or, only if restriction is specified, a complex type with mixed content and
emptiable particle, or, only if extension is specified, a simple type. 'string' satisfies
none of these conditions. at line #4
the wrong combination of schema elements are used for restricting the base string. use it like given below
I would suggest you to please go through the XSD primer before going to wsdl's it will give you the better understanding of schema.
-Srivatsa Katta