Hi all,
I am trying to connect to a secure site running a
SOAP server but every method I have tried results in a deadend..., can anyone tell me if I have the right idea?
I am new to SOAP and new to creating secure connections HTTPs so the mix probably isn't good, ideally I'd deal with 1, then move onto 2 but that isn't possible atm since I don't have the server here, I suppose if the need should arise (which hopefully it won't) I could write a simple server and
test that way then build up, but surely, it can't be that difficult can it?
My first attempt resulted in something I more or less expected, I assume the PriviledgedActionException indicates me trying to access a secure connection without sending any information about a username/password?
Does the following mean the server replied/rejected my request and therefore spawned the exception? e.g. I got to the server at least, or was it within
Java recognising the protocol?
Exception: com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: java.security.PrivilegedActionException: com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: Message send failed
Attempt 2: next, I tried to create a HttpsURLConnection and use that but succeeding in the next exception: com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: Bad endPoint type sun.net.www.protocol.https.DelegateHttpsURLConnection:https://partners.dev.alibris.com/partners
I do have a username/password, and the protocol is HTTPs, am I at least on the right track?
Should the above code example (or some rendition of it) and below work?
Thank you for any ideas/help, much appreciated... I truly would like
understand more about this, it seems so simple yet so darned illusive!
Oops, i just added the output I tried to send...
The app is run from the command line... I do not have a SecurityManager, the only information i was given was an example message, an example response...
The url, https as protocol and username/password
[ August 23, 2007: Message edited by: James Bukowska ]