Originally posted by Jaume Guillamon:
I have NO experience (0) with WebServices
I have downloaded a java Api DLL (Windows) that can comunicate with them without problems..
Every time the Pacient see a Film the server send a "POST" with the price and the room number.
The mesages I get from the systems are looking like this:
For Check in the record may look like this:
<STX>GI|G#1000201|RN101|GNMr. Wong|GSN|GV0|GLES|TVTU|VRVA|DA070907|TI101059|<ETX><LRC>
for check out you may send the following record:
Can JSP Speak with the WebService/Servlet?
Originally posted by Jaume Guillamon:
Do you have some example of a java program that have some methods syncronized ?
Originally posted by Jaume Guillamon:
I have to create a SERVLET ? or simply a syncronized hava program with a MAIN ?
The Microsoft Windows 2000 Resource Kit contains a utility named SrvAny.exe that allows an existing application to be started remotely, just like a true service. However, SrcAny does not allow and application to be remotely administered in any other way, and therefore should be used as a short-term solution only. You are strongly encouraged to modify your application's code to turn into a full fledged service and ignore the SrcAny utility altogether.
Put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger, now he's dead, that tiny ad sure bled
Smokeless wood heat with a rocket mass heater