Originally posted by Tom Griffith:
Would this be true for any DataHandler on any web service platform or is this something specific to Axis?
Is it possible to attach attributes to a DataHandler object, say the original filename, which stays with the attachment when uploading to the web service...or should attributes be sent as a method argument?
Originally posted by Tom Griffith:
It appears the Axis web app saves each attachment sent to it in WEB-INF/attachments. Does this mean that the web service implementation class(es) are responsible for cleaning out it's attachment(s) once it is done processing them?
NOTE : It is a must to specify a directory to temporary store the attachments. Also care should be taken to *clean that directory* from time to time.
Attachments are saved to memory if they are small (under 16KB or so), and then to disk if they get larger. Axis1.1 automatically cleans up these files when the attachments are finalized, but not before. Forcing a gc on the server sporadically helps keep disk usage down and stops leakage when the server crashes.
Axis 1.0 did no cleanup whatsoever, and there was no way of getting at the files to delete by hand, other than having a housecleaner thread purge the attachment directory of old files.
Originally posted by Tom Griffith:
I'm not sure how i will be able to create a message with AttachmentParts, ...I'm just not sure how to access the actual message object in this case
By default, a MailcapCommandMap searches various locations in the following order:
1. Programmatically added entries.
2. The .mailcap file in the user�s home directory.
3. The mailcap file in JAVA_HOME/lib.
4. The file or resources named META-INF/mailcap
5. The file or resource named META-INF/mailcap.default
Originally posted by Tom Griffith:
Without the attachment xml, I don't see a way of troubleshooting and comparing this request with saaj going into the same web service.
doesn't that eliminate the option of adding n (ie. any number, within reason) number of attachments to the request?
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