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Originally posted by Kacee Saxena:
I want to develop a Hello Rest service that generates "XML response".
Well REST looks at it a bit differently (even though there are
examples that do exactly what you are asking for). RESTful web services isn't something that can be learned from looking at code and APIs - there are other concepts at work that
you should understand first.
RESTful Web Services is currently the best material for these concepts and there is precious little Java code in there.
However you may want to look at the
Restlet site for some more hands on material. Download the framework, try the samples and have a look at some of the other
JSR 311: JAX-RS: The Java� API for RESTful Web Services is too much of a moving target to be helpful to the neophyte.
Mostly all articles on net educates you to create service from popular IDEs like NetBeans, WSAD,etc.
So far I have found that most IDEs are obstacles to
understanding web services. They are fine once you know what is going on - however before that they shield you from the kind of detail that would help you to understand what is going on.
XML i dont know.
Actually REST is de-emphasizing the importance of XML. The content-type of the "representation of state" can be any valid media-type, plain text, XML, JSON, etc. However you should be comfortable working with the media-types that you choose to use.
Anne Thomas Manes:
REST: Is it the Next Big Thing?How NOT to do RESTful Web Services [ March 04, 2008: Message edited by: Peer Reynders ]