In a tool-based environment like netbeans you usually go through the following steps with the "contract last" approach:
Generate the SOAP request and response format from the server based methods and types and capture them in the WSDL web services contract. Generate client types from the SOAP request and response formats described the WSDL. That is serverType -> WSDL -> clientType
As a result the client types are often different from the server types. If you have a true object (data + behavior) on the server side as an operation parameter then that object will simply become a "data transfer object" style bean (data + getter + setters without
any business logic) on the client side.
Web services aren't internet
The web service provider and web service consumer simply
exchange messages that contain semi-structured data - they do not exchange full-blown (
java) objects.
If you already have classes on the client side that you wish to use then you often have to write all the XML (un)marshalling code yourself. Axis2 offers the option of using
JiBX in combination with the WSDL-to-Java code generation so that you only have to provide the XML mapping configuration.
Originally posted by rushikesh kale:
I desperately looking for right direction to create a web servicce for my Company.
Well, then don't get entranced by the
web service magic pixie dust and I suggest that you start looking at this type of information:
Why Contract First? "Item 43: Recognize the object-hierarchical impedance mismatch" in
Effective Enterprise Java: Ch.5: State Management (PDF) Example of Web Services Starting Out jaxb & object graphs Going crazy with webservices and Hibernate [ April 29, 2008: Message edited by: Peer Reynders ]