JSR-101 Java� API for XML-based RPC JAX-RPC 1.1
6.4.1 Java Mapping of Literal Representation
If there is no standard Java mapping for an XML schema type, a message part with
literal representation is considered and mapped as a document fragment. The XML to
Java mapping uses the interface "javax.xml.soap.SOAPElement" to represent a literal
message part in the Java mapping of a "wsdl:operation" element. For example, a
parameter or a return type (for a remote operation) represented as a literal message part
is mapped to a "SOAPElement" in the Java method signature.
This pertains to
any literal representation, i.e. document/literal
and rpc/literal. The only difference is that for document/literal the entire document (which is the one single part in the WSDL message) is a SOAPElement; for RPC/Literal a parameter (one of the possibly many parts for that WSDL message) becomes a SOAPElement.
The previous paragraph in the specification is restricted to "document" because it is talking about the "wrapped" style.
[ May 13, 2008: Message edited by: Peer Reynders ]