I was just wondering if this package is available in the J2ME... if it is, are there any resources available so I can have a look at.. I need to create a small program using J2ME that sends messages to a J2EE architecture using JMS as a bridge... am I dreaming?? :roll: Thanksss
I'm not going to be a Rock Star. I'm going to be a LEGEND! --Freddie Mercury
Have a look at JORAM, open source implementation of JMS. The new version of JORAM come with kJORAM libraries which allows J2ME applications to use JORAM messaging functionnalities. http://joram.objectweb.org/
SMS is largely a transportation layer technology. JMS is an application level technology. You can certainly build JMS gateways on top the the SMS infrastructure (like what iBus//Mobile did). cheers Michael