your java application would be the server
and you have a client in your wireless device.
right ? this is how i read your question.
if that is correct then you have two choices:
one is the wap the wireless access protocol
and the other is that the end user device,
the wireless device in your case has the j2me
java virual machine. Then you could use any
protocol to access your application running
on the server side. think of your end user device
as having a "fat client".
the advantage that you have with j2me approach is
that you are not tied down to just WAP that uses
wap gateways etc etc. do a search on wap and j2me
in this forum and there are some good discussions
and posts.
so basically a device that has a JVM (or cdlc as they
say) then you now need to write a client using the
j2me tool kit. (which is almost like the j2se api,
infact it is scaled down version). also the application
written in j2me toolkit is upwardly compatible to
other java editions. that is a PC running, say, java 1.3
or 1.2 would be able to connect to your server side
application and run in addition to your wirless device.
i think this is a big plus to go for j2me.
Originally posted by Pradeep Bhat:
I have a java application that needs to communicate with wireless device. How do I that ?
What technology will help me.