Originally posted by Pavlin Mihalev:
Don't get me wrong, java is a great solution for many platforms including mobile phones, but java is not made for palm. The KVM is adapted and not specially designed to work on palm. I have experience making programs for PalmOS using C/C++ and I must confess that it's a tricky job even with the extended (I mean low-level) possibilities that C/C++ has.
Best regards
Well, I do not think Java has any intrinsic problems with the Palm platform. However, Palm the company seems to be losing their Java initiatives a long time ago. Just look at how slow the PDA Profile (Now PDA OP) has came along. IMHO, Palm should have implemented a high performance VM on its hardware and bundled it with ALL new devices for free.
Now, the best J2ME runtime on Palm is from IBM but it is heavily optimized for enterprise applications not consumer or game apps.
I have long gave up Palm as a viable platform for J2ME. I am using PocketPC, Sharp Zauras and MIDP phones these days.