Have you thought about puting the byte array into the RMS. This will move it out of memory, but make it available for the future. Also, if the user exits your app (or the app or jvm crashes... ), the image are still available.
The RMS API is quite easy to use, especially with byte arrays.
Some notes: The RMS implementation is slow to create new records, but writing and reading are "relatively" fast. So I would recommend that if can leverage the fact that your images are all the same size (i.e. the byte array is always the same size), you can reuse the records in the RMS.
Good luck.
Originally posted by Christian Wolf:
I just found out that converting a bytearray to string and back messes up the data due to some encoding issues. So if you sometimes get a byte array, do not convert this unless you know what you do. Using the original byte array for Image.createImage works quite fine.
Christian Wolf