posted 21 years ago
I want to have a startup screen. Where there are two options. 1 for the app 2 for setting preferences. Right now I have the app main form start and there is two commands on the right button, so it automatically creates the right button to be a menu. I don't want this, because I want the app main form to have an Exit or Back as the left button, and "Calculate" as the right button. But now the user will have to select the menu, then select the "Calculate" option from the menu, or select the "Set Preferences" option to go there.
Here I am thinking, why not have a startup screen? I can have the name of the application, and image, then a mini on-screen menu with the two options. 1 - go to calculator, and 2 - set preferences. By making this a Canvas, I can catch the KeyReleased button, and go to the appropriate form from there. If I made this a Form then I would need to have a TextField to catch the users choice, which I think is a little hokey.
So now if I have the startup canvas, and the user hits a key, how do I then go to the form of their choice. I also want clean code, meaning the Canvas shouldn't know the other forms, the Midlet will know these forms.
Thanks for any suggestions you might have.