Thank you for you reply.
I have developped a
java application for two plateforms(J2ME and DOJA).
My previous question concern particularly a DOJA application because its size is limited to 30ko.I may meet the same problem with some J2ME whose size limited.
Here is my final solution that I could implement side DOJA:
In DOJA, the URL's size is limited at 10 ko, to fill the scratchpad(its size at 100 ko) I have to realise 10 connetion http.
Hence if the global size of my images is > at 10 ko I have to make more one connection.
To resolve my problem I have to create a block of 10ko.
to make il properly, I send a xml file to describe the file.
<resources nbFiles=3 nbConnection = 2>
<File name=next type=gif size=1000>
<File name=prev type=gif size=2000>
<File name= type=midi size=4000>
followed by the n fchiers binaires