posted 18 years ago
i have created one application using Wireless Tool Kit provided by Sun microsystems.
While running my application Via OTA i got this error
"OTA Error Code (20) - The JAR was not found at the URL given in the JAD. [null]
Since WTK is not providing jar file i have created jar file by entering following command
jar cfm MyApp.jar MANIFEST.MF -C D:\j2me\midlet classes
Inside JAR file i am having MANIFEST.MF and CLASSES files\folder
After creating jar file i copied that JAR file into WTK\apps\MyAPP\bin folder.
After copying i executed "Run via OTA" feature of WTK to install application is not getting installed it is giving error.I have searched in google but i have not succeded in finding where i made mistake ..If you know where i made mistake then please write to me..
Thanks in advance for your suggestions
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with regards, Harish.T