Hello Rajana
Hello Frank
I agree with you that putting my applets under WEB-INF/classes is
strange, but I am moving to Tomcat from JRun 2, which was not
servlets 2.2 compliant. My applets -ok they are not really mine, I have inherited the application- have classes in common with my servlets and I was wondering if I have to redesign the application (not as difficult as it sounds) or I just can keep the things as they are now and configure Tomcat to cope with this unusual situation. I read the servlets2.2 specifications and nowhere I found that applets must not be deployed in WEB-INF/classes. Furthermore I browsed lots of forums and most people around say that applets -conceptually- are just like .gif, that is to say they should be deployed in the same directory as the HTMLs or in a subdirectory under it.
Have you got any clue?
[This message has been edited by OMAR KHAN (edited March 27, 2001).]
[This message has been edited by OMAR KHAN (edited March 27, 2001).]