Hi all To those taking the SCJP 1.4 beta and who are already SCJP2, just wondering your study plans. I'm personally taking it for the the experience more than the certificate, but it would be nice to pass Put in the effort and cram SCPJ2 material and review new topics or just wing it? Just curious Cheers
Adam Roberts - SCJP2, SCJD<br />insert witty something here
My plan is to read (again) my SCJP2 notes. I've been playing with the new features of 1.4 so that shouldn't be a problem. Yeah, it would be nice to pass!
I plan to bone up on the areas I was weak in the last time around. AWT and I/O are out so that's two less to do. Need to play around with assertions. Other than that, I guess another review of RHE won't hurt. Most importantly, practice, practice, practice! Junilu
I am planning to give it too , just to get familiar with the newer features of 1.4. Thank goodness awt is out. I never liked it and fortunately haven't had to work on it. I guess I'll start playing around with the newer 1.4 features and brush up from some online notes. What are the good ones these days? The last time I gave it was more than 2 years ago and I threw out my notes a long time ago.
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