here is a bit that i found helpul on that
thread - posted by Wasim Ahmed,
"They want to know your understanding of Operator pre-increment /post-increment. Here is the easy method that I have learnt and always works.
int i = 1
i= i++ + i++ + i
answer is 6. How ?
put increment operator in inthe parenthesis.
i = 1(2) + 2(3) + 3
value of i changes when previous expression performs the increment operation but it doesn't get executed. now drop the values from the parenthesis.
i = 1 + 2 + 3 = 6
I like the idea about using the parenthesis.
But i still don't understand how, although ... hold on ... oh okay, i get it ... i think, the post increment indicates that 'i' is equal to 'i' and then it 'would' be equal to the incremented version of 'i' if there is another arithmetic thing going on ... but seeing in the initial example 'i' is printed out in the next line, it does not get incremented?