Here is an
applet(code) which has the following settings:
Layout for the applet is BorderLayout.
Background color for the applet is yellow.
A button(b1) is added to the "north" of the applet.
A panel(p) is added to the "center" of the applet.
Layout for the Panel(p) is GridLayout(1,1,5,5).
A canvas(canvas11) is added to the panel(p).
Background color for the canvas is cyan.
I chose the size of the canvas to b (100,50) pixels.
When i run this applet with appletviewer it firstly shows(flicks) the applet's background color as yellow & the statically showing its background color as cyan. i am unable to figure out that why do this canvas is covering the entire area of the applet although its size is specified. I just want to create a canvas(with red color) of a specified size say 100,100 pixels & place this canvas at the center of an applet(with BorderLayout) of size (width=300, height=300). This canvas should not cover the entire area of the applet. How can i do that? Plz. help me!
Hope some of u will clear my doubt.
the code of the applet is:
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
<applet code = "vc.class" width = 350 height = 300>
public class vc extends Applet
Button b1=new Button("button");
Panel p=new Panel();
canv1 canv11=new canv1();
public void init()
setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
p.setLayout( new GridLayout(1,1,5,5) );
canv11.setBackground( Color.yellow );
class canv1 extends Canvas
public void paint(Graphics g)
Dimension dd=this.getSize();
double w=dd.getWidth();
double h=dd.getHeight();
setBackground( Color.cyan );
System.out.println("width= "+w+"height= "+h);
public Dimension minimumSize()
return new Dimension(100,50);
public Dimension preferredSize()
return minimumSize();