if i have reference material close by, i can work out what type of Map, List, or Set implementation is apropriate for a situation, but just by memory it is quite hard! anyone else think so?
Jasper, Can you pass on the questions you are feeling difficult on collections? Some how Dan's questions are also not that difficult as they mostly deal with parent interfaces for some concrete collection class. I didn't come across the scenarios where given some conditions and you are asked to select a suitable collection. Thanks in advance, Sarma
hello Jasper, Well you just have to keep on using it until it gets stamped in your mind. Others create memory aids to facilitate recall. Speaking of which, there was a thread in this forum where many contributed their memory aids. Don't really know if there was something for collections because the thread could not be opened from the list generated by google. Perhaps someone can provide the proper link to that.
thanks everyone for the help! there's a lot of good info written by Thomas Paul! i just signed up for the javaranch newsletter, seems like a good idea! i think it is ultimately a matter of using the collections in situations, which hopefully i will.
giddee up
Fire me boy! Cool, soothing, shameless self promotion: