Hi all,
These ex are from Dan Chisholm site
class A {
void m1(A a) {System.out.print("A");}
class B extends A {
void m1(B b) {System.out.print("B");}
class C extends B {
void m1(C c) {System.out.print("C");}
class D {
public static void main(
String[] args) {
A c1 = new C();
B c2 = new C();
C c3 = new C();
C c4 = new C();
The ans: ABC
Explanation : One of the overloaded methods is selected based on the type of the argument. The type of the argument is determined by the reference type. The type of c1 is A. The type of c2 is B. The type of c3 is C.
Based on the above ans and explanation i moved to the next ques which is as follows:
class A {
void m1(A a) {System.out.print("A");}
class B extends A {
void m1(B b) {System.out.print("B");}
class C extends B {
void m1(C c) {System.out.print("C");}
class D {
public static void main(String[] args) {
A a1 = new A();
A b1 = new B();
A c1 = new C();
C c4 = new C();
Based on the above ans and explanation, i thought the ans would be CCC, but i was wrong and the ans is AAA, and the following ques confused me more,
class A {
void m1(A a) {System.out.print("A");}
class B extends A {
void m1(B b) {System.out.print("B");}
class C extends B {
void m1(C c) {System.out.print("C");}
class D {
public static void main(String[] args) {
A a1 = new A();
B b1 = new B();
C c1 = new C();
A c2 = new C();
ans: AAA
I guess, i'm missing something here, please help!
thanks in advance for ur replies