shifting bits DOES NOT WRAP
Originally posted by Harwinder Bhatia:
1. Now I kind of understand the concept of masking. Now could somebody please explain me why the mask of 0x1f is applied to the RH operand, if the left hand operand of a shift expression is of type int? I think this is deduced from something ... I just want to understand what that is?
Originally posted by Harwinder Bhatia:
If this is the case, how does 1 << 33 equal to 2?
According to your explanation, it should be 0, because in the following expression:
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 << 33
1 should just fall off at the 32nd shift, then how come the result is 2?
I'm really confused here.
Dan Chisholm<br />SCJP 1.4<br /> <br /><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Try my mock exam.</a>
Prints 31,0. The expression (-1 & 0x1f) is equal to (0xffffffff & 0x1f), and both are equal to the hex value 0x1f or decimal 31. The expression (8 << -1) is equivalent to (8 << 0xffffffff). If the left hand operand of a shift expression is of type int, then the right hand operand is implicitly masked with the value 0x1f. In other words, the expression (8 << -1) is equivalent to (8 << (-1 & 0x1f)). By replacing -1 with the hexadecimal representation we have (8 << (0xffffffff & 0x1f)). By evaluating the right hand operand we have (8 << 31). When 8 is shifted 31 bits to the left, the result is zero since the only non-zero bit is lost as it is shifted beyond the most significant bit of the int data type.
Dan Chisholm<br />SCJP 1.4<br /> <br /><a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Try my mock exam.</a>
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