Hello friends
Can somebody explain me the rationale behind some of the changes made in the exam objectives from
SCJP 1.2 to 1.4?
.. especially like strengthening the objectives on Wrapper classes and Collections and removing the AWT objectives. Is it more important for a
Java Programmer to know each and every method defined in the Wrapper classes and Collections as opposed to understanding the basics of AWT & Event Handling?
Now, I could be a SCJP 1.4 without knowing a thing about AWT ... and unfortunately, that's what I'm gonna be
As a beginner (in Java Programming), I would rather prefer to have a broader perspective of the language rather than concentrating on minute details.
Moreover, I hate questions which
test my memory rather than my ability to understand the concept. I have seen such questions in various mock exams. I wonder how many questions in the exam would really be testing a person's ability to memorize things as against understanding them. I can understand that a Java programmer should be able to identify all (or should I say most) keywords in Java but is it really important to understand each and every method defined in the collection classes? Is it not too much to memorize?
I can also understand the addition of new features like "assertions" but the other things I mentioned above are beyond me.
I am new to this language and this is the first time I'm working towards SCJP certification. When I compare the exam objectives, in my *personal* opinion:
System.out.println ((SCJP1.2 + assertions) > SCJP1.4); // prints: true
Any thoughts/comments/suggestions?