The question is as follows.
The Answers are d and e.
The explanation is as follows.
A compile-time error occurs at line 2 as a result of the attempt to shadow the method local variable, k, within the for-loop. A variable declared within the for-loop can not shadow a local variable of the enclosing method. At line 3, the declaration of variable j causes a compile-time error. A single local variable declaration statement may contain a comma separated list of variable declarators: "int i=0, j=0;". Alternatively, the same two variables could be declared using two local variable declaration statements: "int i=0; int j=0;". Please note that the two statements are separated by a semicolon, and each declares the type of the variable. The initialization part of a for statement may use a single local variable declaration statement to declare more than one local variable. Each of the new variables is declared in a comma separated list of variable declarators. In this program, the local variables should have been declared as follows: "int i=0, j=0;". Instead, the type of variable j has been incorrectly added to the declarator: "int i=0, int j=0;". The result is a compile-time error.
The key sentence in this explanation is the following.
The initialization part of a for statement may use a single local variable declaration statement to declare more than one local variable. Each of the new variables is declared in a comma separated list of variable declarators.
The sentences that you have quoted are as follows.
A single local variable declaration statement may contain a comma separated list of variable declarators: "int i=0, j=0;". Alternatively, the same two variables could be declared using two local variable declaration statements: "int i=0; int j=0;".
Those statements were not intended to refer to the initialization part of a for statement. Instead, they were intended to describe alternative forms of declarations of local variables. After reading your comments, I can see that the intent of the above quote is not clear. I now see that the entire explanation would be more clear if I just delete the confusing sentences. The next version of the exam will not contain those sentences.
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