I think your CODEBASE attribute might be wrong... CODEBASE is used to define where your class file is relative to the web page containing the applet tag. i.e. If your web page is in the ~sara directory, and your class file is in the ~sara/java directory, then your CODEBASE attribute should look like "CODEBASE=java". If your class is in the same directory, you can leave CODEBASE out completely, or set it to the current directory ( with a "CODEBASE=." ). Also, if the image is in the directory ~sara/images ( as it looks like it is from the HTML you posted ) then you'll need to use
to get the image from there. getCodeBase() returns the URL of the class, getDocumentBase() returns the URL of the web page that launched the applet.
P.S. - Please read the
JavaRanch naming conventions and re-register with a name that follows them. We require a user name to be in the form "first name" + space + "last name", where both first and last name are longer than one letter... Thanks!
[This message has been edited by Nathan Pruett (edited August 09, 2001).]