Welcome. I believe you have reached a placed were all people from all skill levels are welcome.
The people living in the ranch are very friendly and always helpful.
Fire off all your questions and I'm sure someone will be able to help you out.
Regarding your question about books, we all support the founder of this forum: Kathy Sierra. She is the author of the book Sun Certified Programmer & Developer for Java 2 Study Guide.
However there are more books that are useful. I'm thinking of the following:
A Programmer's Guide to Java Certification (Khalid A. Mughal & Rolf Rasmussen)
Java 2 Programmer Exam Cram (William Brogden, Marcus Green, Ed Tittel)
Complete Java 2 Certification Study Guide(Philip Heller, Simon Roberts )
I leave it up to you evaluate these books.
You could always walk through the
Java Language specification and do some mock exams and decide if you need a book after your first initial results on the mock exams.
One thing is for sure you will need to do lots of coding and many mock exams.
All the best with your studies.