posted 19 years ago
I myself am going to take SCJP 5.0 at the end of August and struggling for it during this summer. I'm not sure if two months' effort is enough, especially for an inexperienced student like me, to pass such a brand new exam with very few related prepraration resources at hand.
However, I have decided to try my luck! I think it is more worthwhile studying for a certificate concerning the most up-to-date technolgoy and no extra exam (money) for upgrade is neccessary in the next couples of years. I suppose I will be able to put words like "I'm a fast learner who is always ready to learn the new stuffs" into my CV. And I believe this is one of the most important characterstics that a software engineer should have.
BTW,I was told that SCJP1.4 (maybe SCJP1.2, I'm not sure) will retire in the next few months.
Good luck to everyone!
[ July 19, 2005: Message edited by: Wensheng Li ]
SCWCD 1.4(In progress)<br />SCJP 5.0<br />IBM Certified Solutions Expert for Webshpere Studio, V3.5 (retired)