If Java had true garbage collection, most programs would delete themselves upon execution -- Robert Sewell
Originally posted by sandeep dhingra:
i am sandeep and i am preparing for scjp1.4
any guy or gal preparing for same in delhi(south)India.
if there is someone whom u can discuss with and study with it makes a hell lot of difference in preparing.
So if there is somebody contact me.
thank you
<strong><br />Cheers !!<br /> <br />Sherry<br /></strong><br />[SCJP 1.4]
<strong><br />Cheers !!<br /> <br />Sherry<br /></strong><br />[SCJP 1.4]
Regards<br />Satish
Regards,<br /> <br />Satheesh.K<br />-------------<br />SCJP 1.4<br />SCWCD 1.4
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-<br />Thanks & Regards,<br />Dharmesh G.
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