posted 19 years ago
I had tried the code....and i did not compile '{' expected
interface B implements A { }
^ '}' expected
2 errors
since the error are not descriptive, so i concluded that either this is not the way to implement interfaces, or you cannot implement an interface
the post was just to confirm that if i am right.
anyways my 2nd questions is still unanswered
b) How can an Interface extend more than one Interface?(while in jave we can extend only one class )
[ September 12, 2005: Message edited by: Sandeep Chhabra ]
Regards<br />Sandy<br />[SCJP 5.0 - 75%]<br />[SCWCD 1.4 - 85%]<br />------------------<br />Tiger, Tiger burning bright,<br />Like a geek who works all night,<br />What new-fangled bit or byte,<br />Could ease the hacker's weary plight?