Dear Bert,
Don't wory for the illigal softcopy.
I used your soft copy to read One month I'm not able to read in computer.
So I purchased 4 Books
SCJP 1.4 K&B Book Rs 375
SJ2C 1.4 Khalid Mugal Rs 375
Head First JSP/Servlet Rs 545
Head First
EJB Rs 375
I'm Searching Job But Its costly for me. there is no way so I brought It.
I finished Studing Khalid Mugal
Its Very wast, Quite Intresrting but Some Concepts I read several times to understand[more than 15 times in different places], some concepts Even now I didn't understood.
Now I'm Studing 1.4 K&B Book Its easy to study Bucause Khalid mugal helps me lot to understand K&B book easly.
Even I got confused in declarations and Access Control, in K&B Book
But I read several times to understand the concepts.
I plan to BUy Head First Java
SoftCopy is one of the marketing trend to buy books.
About Softcopys of Book
1. Easy to Search
2. Reach any page in a second
3. We can look overall
1. Its not possible to read all the pages contiounsly
2. Our Mood Chage if the topkis if bored we see any other window we forget to see the book
3. Its not possible to take notes using pencel in the software.
4. Reading books get some time to think But Reading Softcopy there is no choice to think because We are always reading Books hasty
5. I can take the book and ask the doubts to my friends or others when I see. But Its not possible to use Softcopy.
Its not possible to study softcopy book
Because Our mind changes always Computer is also like Tv
If we don't like we change other channels Like wee scrool to other pages
and finally we won't study
But Hard Copy Of Books Is Easy to study
Understand time to think, Taking Notes, Share with friends,taking notes
Lot more.......
I suggest Better is buying Hard copy of books is good insted of studing softcopy.
But I need Sun Materials like SL-275
But Its not possible for me to pay Rs 7500 For each Course
I'm tring for the hard copy of Book. Its easy to understand SL-275 SUN Book
If I get Job I'll but Lot Of Books to Refer