Q43.What will be the result of compiling and running the given program?
Select one correct answer.
1. class Q43
2. {
3. int y=1;
4. Q43()
5. {
6. this(y);
7. }
8. Q43(int x)
9. {
10. y=x++ + ++x;
11. }
12. public static void main(
String [] args)
13. {
14. Q43 t = new Q43();
15. System.out.println(t.y);
16. }
17. }
1. Program compiles correctly and prints 1 when executed.
2. Program compiles correctly and prints 4 when executed.
3. Compile time error.
4. None of above.
Answer is 3.
Can some once help me in understanding this?