this means the current object.
lets take the example below
class TestThis
int intVal;
public void callMe(int intVal)
this.intVal = intVal;
public static void main(
String args[])
TestThis obj1 = new TestThis();
here in the example callMe(int) function has a local variable with name intVal wich is also present in the class as an instance variable.
now if i want to initialize the the instance variable the expression intVal = intVal; wont work i have to specifically tell the object. This can be done using the key
word this.
So when we say this. it reffers to the the current object on which this function has been called, and we can use to to refer to the instance variable.
Also note that you cannot use the keyword this in a static function, lets say if you write "this.inVal = 1;" in main method, the code wont compile as you cannot use this in a static method.
Hope you are not more clear on "this" concept.