Hi Vivien,
I had comments from friends that 1.4 is easier to pass than 1.5 and that 1.5 has a higher failing rate Now, with the release of SCJP 5 book by KnB, I think it shouldn't be difficult to pass the exam.
what are the differences between those 2 standards and their objectives? are topics covered in 1.4 also covered in 1.5? Bert gave a summary of the differences
I got the book SCJP Java 5 by Sierra & Bates, is it sufficient just to read this book if I plan to pass the 1.5 exam? It should be sufficient. Some free mocks for 1.5 compiled by the ranchers
I fully agree with B.Harris's comment. It really depends on what you want to gain from this certification.
Good luck.
[ April 08, 2006: Message edited by: Joyce Lee ]