Spot false dilemmas now, ask me how!
(If you're not on the edge, you're taking up too much room.)
Preparing for SCJP 5
Preparing for SCJP 5
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SCJA 1.0, SCJP 1.4, SCWCD 1.4, SCBCD 1.3, SCJP 5.0, SCEA 5, SCBCD 5; OCUP - Fundamental, Intermediate and Advanced; IBM Certified Solution Designer - OOAD, vUML 2; SpringSource Certified Spring Professional
We're binary code: a one and a zero<br />You wanted violins and you got Nero
Alberto Cancello wrote:
...but I think is...
Spot false dilemmas now, ask me how!
(If you're not on the edge, you're taking up too much room.)
SCJP 5, SCWCD 1.4, SCBCD 1.3
Originally posted by Manuel Comnenus:
How does one review the correct answers to the exam on the accompanying CD? I completed the exam and was not able to view the answers. I could only see my score. Steve
Originally posted by Manuel Comnenus:
Also, is there a place to report errata for the CD? I think that there are at least two mistakes in the quiz on the CD. I contacted LearnKey and was told to contact Osbourne. I never got a response from them.
SCJP 5, SCWCD 1.4, SCBCD 1.3
Manuel Comnenus
Thanks. One thing that I noticed recently is that the LearnKey exam questions are either strikingly similar or the same as the quiz questions, so I am not sure how much value there is in completing the LearnKey exam anyway. The quiz questions, if I am not mistaken, are presented in random order if one retakes the entire set of quiz questions.
Spot false dilemmas now, ask me how!
(If you're not on the edge, you're taking up too much room.)
Spot false dilemmas now, ask me how!
(If you're not on the edge, you're taking up too much room.)
We're binary code: a one and a zero<br />You wanted violins and you got Nero
Regards,<br />Deepti.
Regards,<br />Deepti.
We're binary code: a one and a zero<br />You wanted violins and you got Nero
We're binary code: a one and a zero<br />You wanted violins and you got Nero
which our JVM produces [among other things]
parsed = Sat Sep 08 00:00:00 MDT 2001
Notice that because we were using a SHORT style, we lost some precision when we converted the Date to a String
We're binary code: a one and a zero<br />You wanted violins and you got Nero
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Originally posted by Dick Eimers:
The amount of errors in this book is starting to annoy me. I've paid 60 euros -- about 70 dollars-- for this book and it is packed with errors.
We're binary code: a one and a zero<br />You wanted violins and you got Nero
SCBCD 1.3: 94%<br />SCWCD 1.4: 91%<br />SCJP 5: 95%
SCBCD 1.3: 94%<br />SCWCD 1.4: 91%<br />SCJP 5: 95%
Originally posted by warren li:
The body here meant the enum body after all the enum constants( enum's constructor and/or methods), not the body for the enums themselves.
I wasn't misled when I came through it. and if you don't have enum bodies after the last enum constant, you don't have to put a semicolon after the last.
But of course you are right saying after the not-last constant, it is always comma.
We're binary code: a one and a zero<br />You wanted violins and you got Nero
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