I have seven years of comprehensive experience in full life-cycle software application development following OOAD and SSAD methodologies. I have working experience in all major phases of project life cycles in multi-tired B2B e-business solutions with
J2EE and EJB technologies. My technical background includes UNIX, Windows NT and Novell NetWare based systems and a variety of software platforms like EJB, Xml, Inprise, Weblogic, Powerbuilder, Visual basic, Oracle, Sybase, SQL server. My present job profile involves design, development and deployment of web-based applications. I need a job (full-time, contract, contract-to-hire). Below is my resume.
Suman Das
Home: (510) 792-5882, Cell: (510) 378-6804
[email protected] Objective
My aspiration is to contribute to systematic architecture centric software development processes for an organization, or its customers.
Selected Project Experience
Senior Software Engineer IT Solutions Inc. April 2000 � present
MediaFlex.com, USA Mediaflex Commerce Solution
Environment - Inprise 4.1 App Server, iPlanet, JBuilber 4, Enterprise
Java Beans,
Java Server Pages,
Servlets, XML, Oracle8i and Solaris
� Application architecture: Involved in design and implementation of a completely scalable business-to-business e-commerce application from order entry, e-mail confirmation, order tracking, order processing, supplier workflow and efficiency, file delivery, payment processing, shipping and billing functionality. It was built with a multi-tier J2EE architecture where the event processing was around a controller servlet that was coordinating between the model (EJB/DB) and the view (
JSP), in a Model View Controller
� Application-tier: Primarily responsible for designing and developing server-side Java components based on best practices in designing EJBs, deciding on the bean types matching the workflow, granularity and APIs to be exposed for the session and entity beans, transaction scope and isolation level, designing the passed-by-value objects structure and JNDI issues. Coding of session and entity beans for Lineitems, Product management and Order modules. Review for the EJBs of the entire application and recommend possible solutions for non-conformance with the architecture. SAX parser and XSLT processor for Mediacenter properties.
� Web-tier: Developed tools and utilities used as helper classes like build disconnected DB Resultset, java mail, sorting etc.
� Technical team lead for a project of making the solution database independent by implementing Oracle stored procedures.
Wells Fargo Bank, USA WellsXchange
Environment - BEA Weblogic 5.1, Java Server Pages, Netscape Enterprise Server
Java Beans, Servlets, Oracle 8.1.6 and Security Infrastructure.
� Architecture design for a financial services portal that provides a range of online transactions for enrolled exchanges, namely Prepaid Letter of Credit, Business Line of Credit, Documentary Collection etc.
� Developed JSPs, helper classes and servlets on Weblogic 5.1 application server for page centric event processing.
� Analysed the initial logical data model, refined it over several iterations in consultation with the client and built the final logical data model and the initial physical database for the first release of the website.
� Developed and mentored the coding stored procedures needed for selecting, inserting, and updating data captured in the forms.
Senior Software Engineer TCG Software Services/SkyTech Solutions October 1996 � March 2000
United Airlines, USA HR System
Environment - Java, Servlet, HTML, Oracle 7.3, Netscape
� Involved in analysis and architecture design (attendance, skill and project engagement modules) of a HTML form based application.
� Performed system study and database design. Wrote functional specifications.
� Developed HTML forms and servlets responsible for business logic and database functions. Coded stored procedures.
United Airlines, USA Crisis Management tool
Environment - Java 1.2, Swing,
Applet, RMI, Oracle 7.3, Netscape
� Involved in the prototyping and development phases for a web-based application.
� Developed web pages and applets for the front-end and implemented RMI interface for the middle-tier.
� Involved in migrating legacy data to Oracle using SQL Loader.
United Airlines, USA ADEPT Product Maintenance
Environment - Platinum Process Engineer, document database
� Team lead for a project on defining and maintaining Software Engineering processes, Configuration Management and SQA.
� Performed impact analysis, design and construction of change requests.
� Involved in process improvement and release engineering.
In-house Software Quality Assurance (SQA)
� Involved in defining and maintaining quality assurance process for ISO 9000 quality certification by KPMG.
� Responsible for implementing software quality process in multiple projects across organization and quality audit.
Testing Services, USA Quality Accounting Network Tracking & Measurement
Environment - PowerBuilder 5.0, PFC, Oracle 7.3, Windows NT, Citrix WinFrame
� Module Leader of a two-tier client server application. Performed effort estimation, technical team lead, mentoring team members.
� Designed application architecture of the assigned modules, wrote functional spec, high and low level design documents.
� Coded the PowerBuilder front-end.
� Coordinated with other team leaders for proper execution of QC procedures, wrote unit and integration test cases.
Kiwi Cooperative Dairies, NZ LIMS enhancement
Environment - PowerBuilder 4.0, SQL Server 6.5, Windows NT
� Technical team lead for a two-tier client server application. Performed monitoring the project on a day-to-day basis.
� Systems study and prototyping, effort estimation for the entire project.
� Wrote functional specifications and low level design documents. Wrote unit and integration test cases
� Coded GUI (PowerBuilder 4.0) and stored procedures in SQL server invoked Power Builder front-end.
LabVantage Solutions, USA Re-engineering of LIMS
Environment - PowerBuilder 4.0, PowerTOOL, Oracle 7.1, Novell NetWare
� Designed the user interface, wrote functional specifications and low level design document.
� Coded front-end using PowerBuilder 4 and PowerTool class libraries. Coded stored procedures in Oracle 7.1.
IT Engineer Prudential Infotech Ltd. April 1995 � September 1996
� Developed a HR Information and Inventory Control System in PowerBuilder and Visual basic respectively on Sybase 10.
Developer Fujitsu ICIM Ltd. October 1994 � March 1995
� Development and implementation of a Payroll System with Oracle 7.0, SQL * Forms 3.0, Pro * C and UNIX SVR 4.2.
Developer Wipro Infotech Ltd May 1994 � September 1994
� Porting of Financial Accounting and Costing System from Unix SVR 4.2 to Solaris 2.5
Technical Skills
Web/e-commerce: J2ee, Ejb, Jsp, Xml-schema, Xslt,
Soap, Servlet,
Jdbc, Applet, Swing, RMI, Java Script, Inprise 4.1, Weblogic 5.1
Languages & development tools: JBuilder 4, Visual Cafe 4, Notes 4.6, PowerBuilder, PFC, Visual Basic, PL/SQL, COBOL, C, FoxPro.
Database: Oracle 6 - 8i, MS SQL Server 6.5, and Sybase 10.
Object modelling: UML.
Modelling tools: Rational
Rose, Erwin.
Operating systems: UNIX, Windows NT, Windows 95 & 98, NetWare and MS-DOS.
Project Management tools: MS Project 98, Platinum Process Engineer.
Source code control tools: Visual SourceSafe, CVS.
MBA (Marketing major), 1997, University of Calcutta, India.
Post Graduate Diploma (Systems Management) 1994, Calcutta, India.
Master of Science, 1991, University of Calcutta, India.
Bachelor of Science, 1989, University of Calcutta, India.
� Project Management for Success, Platinum Technologies, USA.
� Software Project Management, Software Quality Audit, CyberQ Consulting, India.
� Java Programming, Globesyn Technologies (Sun Authorized Java Centre), India.
� Software Testing & Tools, Software Development Technologies, USA.