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junior EJB developer in WebSphere

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i'm looking for a junior level or entry level positions in WebSphere only in Boston,MA.i'm ready for volunteer jobs also in
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Why don't you post your entry in "Jobs Wanted Forum" ??
Duh...Don't u understand the difference b/w "Offered" & "wanted"?
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SummaryNearly 5.3Years of professional experience as a Programmer/Analyst in client/server software and Web-based applications. Primary technical expertise is in the area of commercial applications design, development, testing and maintenance using Java Applets, Servlets, JSP,UML, EJB, J2EE, JavaScript, HTML, Asp, VB 6.0 Oracle, SQL-Server and mySQL. Versatile team player with good communication and interpersonal skills. Extensive experience in the development of Oracle functions, procedures, database triggers and packages. Extensive experience in the development of web based projects using JavaScript and HTML.
Education BSc in Computer Science, India
PDISM in Information Systems, India
Hardware IBM PC�s
Op. Systems Windows NT,Windows 98 and Windows 95
Databases Oracle 8.0/7.3, SQL Server, knowledge of Oracle 8I & mySQL
Languages PL/SQL,Dynamic PL/SQL,Java Programming(JDK1.1.6/JDK1.2) Java Beans,JavaScript,HTML 1.4,VB 6.0,C and C++
Other Developer 2000 (Forms 5.0/4.5, Reports 3.0/2.5),VB 6.0 forms, Crystal Reports,
Web Application Server and some Oracle DBA skills.
Sept. 2000 To Current
Client : Astrosoft (India) Project Leader
Worksite : Navi Netsolution (India)
Project : Mailing Group System.
Environment : Linux, MySQL , JSP, Servlets, Java Beans, JAVA Mail, UML,KAWA Smartdraw, Sendmail, JDBC, HTML and JavaScript.
System Overview : Mailing Group System is a web-based e-mail group management service. It provides a way for you to keep in touch with corporate customers, friends and others by allowing you to run your own e-mail group and subscribe the public groups. It offers a convenient way to connect with users who share the same interests and ideas. Mailing groups allow you to send email messages to a group of people using just ONE email address. No more typing in a list of addresses! . A customized page where you can access all the groups you've joined. It represents the Mailing messages that supports the data posting, creating group, Subscribe the existing groups this facility is open for only register user of the site. The user can send email from the site or from his existing Email address to group, the message is automatically transferred to the members of the group.
Role : Designed and Analyst the Mailing Group System by using JavaMail on Linux operating System. Involved in high level design & Level design by using Smart Draw Design tools. Involved in Database Design, Data Diagram & Entity Relation Ship. Developed beans for Admin,Category Details. Developed Codes in JSP for Admin Login, Admin Master & Category Forms Database & Tables were created by using MySQL database. Client Borwser Validations codes were created by Javascript & HTML forms.
June 2000 To August
Client : Indessa, USA Project Leader
Worksite : Esols Wordwide Ltd. (India)
Project : Employment Information Management System
Environment : WindowsNT, SQL Server,Java, Servlets, JSP, HTML and JavaScript
System Overview: EIMS system is developed for employee who is joined for Indessa and its group companies. This system also handles the interview Schedule, Skill of the candidate before joining the company. During the interview the candidate is appearing the Technical test, Aptitude Test and his marks will be store in the ISS database. After getting the results from ISS the candidate will be finalized by recruiter. If the candidate is selected he/she has to enter personal information, Skills, Passport details, Reference details and education details into the Indessa database.
Role : Prepared of High level design and development documents Entity Relationship diagram Involved in the database design and data diagram by using SQL server. Developed coding for interfacing JavaScript with JSP using JDBC connectivity. Validation of client browser using JAVA SCRIPT and front end screens in HTML Interview Schedule System testing was done and implemented.
April 2000 To May 2000
Client : Indessa, USA Programmer/Analyst
Worksite : Esols Wordwide Ltd.(India)
Project : Task Management System
Environment : WindowsNT, SQL Server, ASP, HTML and JavaScript
System Overview: IMS Task Management System represents the computer application that supports the functions of data entry, data verification, data posting and reporting to be prepared in the form an application accessible from the Intranet as well as Extranet. This specification shall be used to describe the requirements that shall ensure the secure entry, storage and reporting of the Task schedule of IMS. The IMS Task Management System traces the life cycle of a task from its origin to completion. It performs functions such as task scheduling and administration; users access management, report generation and Database search based on various parameters.
Role: Prepared of design and development of FSD, PFD,CLD, DFD & LLD. Implemented the user screens by using window classes & HTML. Entity Relationship diagram (By using smart draw tools) Involved in the database design by using SQL server. Developed coding for interfacing JavaScript with ASP using ODBC connectivity. Validation of all the user entry screen form by using JavaScript
October 1999 - March 2000
Client : IPCA Ltd, India Programmer/Analyst
Worksite : Recon Software Creations (India)
Project : Material Management System (MMS)
Environment: WindowsNT,Java1.2,JDBC,JFC/Swings, Oracle 8.0,PL/SQL, JavaScript and HTML.
System Overview: This system handles GIM when the goods come to store before they are sending for production. The information generated by the system is GIM listing. QC (Quality Control) approval, stock statement, receipts/Issues, backup of stock into local & export, FIFO valuation, consumption rates, excess/consumption, slow / non moving items, materialwise locationwise stocks and stores ledger. This system interfaces with other systems like bill passing, purchasing order, materials planning, costing and shops floor management.
Role: Involved in design and development of user interfaces, which is developed in Java. Implemented the data entry screen using Canvas, Grids, Panels and Window classes. Implemented Query Forms using Oracle stored procedures, for the user to query data. Developed coding for interfacing Java classes with Oracle Database. Developed Java Applets as a report design for the client, based on the parameter supplied by the client and used Threads classes in this Applet designing.
December 98 - August 99
Client : M/s. Ratan Motors, India Programmer/Analyst
Worksite : RST & Computers, India.
Project : Sales & Purchasing Application
Environment : Windows NT 4.0, Oracle 8.0, PL/SQL, Java 1.1.6,Servlets JavaScript, HTML and Web Application Server (WAS).
System Overview: This system has three main tiers, client tier will be web browser with Web client, the middle tier will be Oracle Application Server with Servlet/Web cartridge and at the Database tier will be Oracle 8.0. Modules namely, Vehicles and Customer Details, Statement of Payments, RM Statement. These modules provide various functions and services to the Sales and Purchasing Personnel of the company and their customers. The system has a three tired architecture, where the user interface is developed in Java and accesses the database using Web Application Server. The clients� machines and database server are all connected over a token ring network.
Role: Involved in the designing of the database and worked on user profile and also allotted table space for each module�s data. Performed various DBA tasks like, granting roles, user access to tables, maintaining database backup and recovery on a daily basis. Developed an interface between RDBMS and Java class using Database Management System provided in Java. Developed API model using built in classes of frames and listeners (JAVA classes) for various modules. Used JDBC (Java Database connectivity with ODBC)to connect to the Oracle database from Java class. We have used ResultSet and Prepared Statement methods, which are all available in Connection Object. Also used Collable Statement method for calling stored procedures of the Oracle Database. Also developed Java Applets for the client based on the client�s requirement. Developed some of the stored procedures and functions using HTP and HTF packages for accessing the database through the web browser. Implemented error and exception handling for some of the modules. Used links to access other applets from Java application. Used Streams for over writing files using DataInputStream and DataOutputStream classes.
Aug 98-Nov 98 Client : VisionInfo-tech,India. Programmer/Analyst
Worksite : RST & Computers, India.
Project : Web Quest
Environment : Windows NT 4.0,JAVA,JavaScript and Netscape
System Overview: WQ is an online interactive training and testing system developed for use of computer training institutes. This package is for Conducting Qualification tests for candidates seeking a course in the organization. When candidates start the test, it randomly selects a set of questions from the data bank, which display on the Browser. The applet also displays a GUI based answer sheet, test starting time, and finishing and when the test time exceeds it automatically saves the present status and exists from the browser.
Role : Involved in the designing of the database and worked on user profile and also allotted table space for each module�s data. Performed various DBA tasks like, granting roles, Previliges,users and accessing database. Performed forms in JAVA script and connect to the databases. Involed in desining the web pages using netscape(HTML)
Nov97 - Jul 98
Client : Wasan Ford, India. Programmer/Analyst
Worksite : RST & Computers, India.
Project : Sales Order Preparation System
Environment: Windows NT, Oracle 7.3,PL/SQL, Developer 2000 (Forms 4.5,Reports 2.5)
System Overview: SOPS are an online interactive system for a marketing chain. This software is used by field sales personnel which performs maintenance of stock through purchase & sales, and updates the delivery, stock, cashbook, daily/weekly accounts. While entering order forms, stock, customer details are updated automatically. Transaction with master files like customer, order, cash transactions, cash receipts are also included. Different reports like customer details for Marketing(Walk-in/Tele), daily sales, weekly sales, account receivable, balance accounts, reminder letters to the customer can be generated.
Role : The system front-end screens for user interface were implemented using Forms 4.5 and PL/SQL.. Oracle Reports 2.5 were used to generate weekly, monthly and ad-hoc reportsStored procedures, stored functions and databases triggers were created by using PL/SQL.
April 97 - Oct 97
Client : New Bharat Engineering Works. Programmer/analyst
Project : Order Monitoring Systems
Work site : Rst & Computers (India)
Environment: Pentium/Windows 95,C,Developer 2000 (Forms 4.5 and Reports 2.5) and Oracle 7.3
System Overview : This system handles daily transaction, closing transit stock, down load transaction, maintenance of stocks, delivery master maintenance, indent creation, indent modification, and various reports.
Role : My contribution includes developing the GUI features used in the application such as creating indent, company related forms. Splitter windows creation, routines for drawing polygons over the image for the Cup / Disc Area recognition. Users, roles, and privileges were created. Stored procedures and stored functions were created by using PL/SQL.
Nov 96 Mar 97
Client : Hillson & Dinshaw Ltd.
Project : Sampling Pharma Programmer/analyst
Work site : Rst & Computers (India)
Environment: Pentium/Windows 95,Visual Basic 5.0, Crystal reports and Ms-Access (Back End)
System Overview : This system is used to allocate product, literature to different PSR(Professional Sales Representative) based on cyclewise dispatch, it takes care of receiving the goods, master maintenance, PSR link, sales strategy, various report, data transfer and stock updating.
Role : Involved in development of user interfaces, implemented the data entry screens using forms, MDI forms and data control. Design programming, Code programming, file control system and windows classes. Different kinds of reports including stock and transfer stock reports are generated by using crystal reports. Data backup and restore option were implemented by using Export and import commends and menus.
March 96 - Oct 96
Project : Pattern Recgn.in Bio-Medical Instrumentation
Worksite : Rst & Computers (India) Programmer
Environment : Windows 95 and C
System Overview: The project involves in designing and developing an algorithm using Back Propagation Neural Network for pattern recognition of X-ray films. The sample data for training the neural network is obtained be scanning the X-ray images into bit maps.
Role: Designed and developed the algorithm in C The code involves in reading the binary bit map file and parsing the pixel Information, which is used for pattern recognition.
October 95 - Feb. 96
Client : Reshamsingh & Co. Pvt.Ltd. Programmer
Worksite : Rst & Computers (India)
Project : Payroll system
Environment : Foxpro 2.5, Ms-dos, Screen building and Reports.
System Overview : This system handles more than 1500 employees� salary. Overtime calculation by shift and hourwise, payslip,Total deduction, total earning, pf, Income tax, p.tax, House loan, insurance and net payments details were implemented by this system.
Role : . Data entry screen were generated by using screen building. Monthly Payslip, total deduction, and monthly reports were genereated by using reports in foxpro. Involved in writing queries for connecting DBFs and generating index files.
Contact Address : Vanakkam Tailors Shanker Devel, Mahul Road, Mumbai - 400 074
Contact No. (Res) 91-22 - 554 6044
E-Mail [email protected]
Date of Birth 4-11-1973
Nationality Indian
Marital Status Single
Languages English, Hindi and Tamil
Rajendra Manche
Shriman Mens Wears D-3, D.S. Road, Gandhi Nagar, Worli -13
Tel : 91-22-4966283
e-Mail [email protected]
Chandrakant Rao
Bldg No -1, Room No-31,Sayatri Soc. Kalva (W), Mumbai.
Tel : 91- 22- 5444273
e-Mail [email protected]
Ranch Hand
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