I'm currently preparing for
SCJP 1.5 using the Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates book. I'm curious, how do the example questions compare to the difficulty of the final exam?
I'll confess that I have found the questions on the first 3 chapters to be quite difficult, largely because they seem to be as much out to "catch you out" (i.e. make you slip up in the logic of working out the answer) as to
test your real knowledge of
Java. The questions are FAR more difficult than the Java Rules Roundup game found on this site.
This situation is beginning to make me question the value of continuing with SCJP preparation and taking the exam itself. Afterall, I could spend the time in other ways (learning more about design
patterns, becoming more efficient with my
IDE) which ultimately will do more to make be a better programmer at a practical level.
Here's my logic:
- I've seen a LOT of CVs/resumes come in with SCJP 1.4 and from what I can tell, this exam is significantly easier than 1.5. It seems that virtually every Java programmer and his dog out there has SCJP 1.4. OK, I know that isn't quite true, but it seems to be getting that way!
- Few clients/recruiters will appreciate the difference in difficulty (and therefore value) between SCJP 1.4 and 1.5. Indeed, I doubt it would factor highly in deciding between two otherwise equal candidates.
Conclusion: It has become more difficult to obtain a qualification which has little to differentiate it from a qualification that I perceive to have become devalued by the number of people holding it (SCJP 1.4).
I'd appreciate people thoughts and comments on this. Should I quit preparing for SCJP 1.5 and follow the masses and do 1.4 instead?
best regards,
PS. I know SCJP 1.5 is new, but I'm yet to see it on a single CV/resume.