SCBCD 1.3: 94%<br />SCWCD 1.4: 91%<br />SCJP 5: 95%
SCJP 1.4,SCBCD 1.3, SCWCD 1.5, ???
Originally posted by Balasathya murugan:
hi friends..
i am preparing for SCJP .. plann to write within 3 months .. if any interested join with me ... so that we can exchange the ideas..
-- SCJP 5, OCPJBCD 5, OCPJWSD 5 (in progress)
Originally posted by arun sm:
hi friends
am arun just now completed my engineering i hav been learning java and i dont hav any idea about scjp r j2ee some say its better to do scjp than j2eee some say the other if u knew regarding which can help me . suggest ur ideas bye
Originally posted by Jack Mullaly:
Good Luck Warren Li...keep us posted on the result.
I am reading HeadFirst Java these days, then I'll read the Study Guide by Sierra-Bates. Good thing about Head First Java is that it makes you think from the compiling perspective. I have a 4 day Work Week, so I have promised myself to study at least two chapters on each day I am off.
Seems like the book is very interesting and can be understood well.
The critical thing for me is motivation and discipline.
Good Luck,
SCBCD 1.3: 94%<br />SCWCD 1.4: 91%<br />SCJP 5: 95%
-- SCJP 5, OCPJBCD 5, OCPJWSD 5 (in progress)
Originally posted by warren li:
Hi, I have passed it yesterday(Monday here) and got the result on my signature.
[ June 20, 2006: Message edited by: warren li ]
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