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searching for "\d*" in a string

+Pie Number of slices to send: Send
In the following question:

It says that the answer is E, but I get: 0123445. I don't understand where the '6' comes in?
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+Pie Number of slices to send: Send
Thanks! I saw this in the K&B book, and on a mock exam, and I thought it was a mistake...
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but of course knew it was much more likely that I was mistaken.
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Its a greedy quantifier and that's why a zero length search was applied at the end of the string giving a 6 at the end. Fine. Why wasn't the zero length search applied at the beginning of the string which would have resulted "001234456".

+Pie Number of slices to send: Send

Originally posted by Vijay Raj:
Its a greedy quantifier and that's why a zero length search was applied at the end of the string giving a 6 at the end. Fine. Why wasn't the zero length search applied at the beginning of the string which would have resulted "001234456".


The zero length result was applied at the beginning of the string, which is why the first value is zero. Are you asking whether the beginning of the string should be applied twice?

+Pie Number of slices to send: Send
The zero we got in the answer is because of 'a', the first character in the input string, right.
a - prints 0
b - prints 1
3 - prints 234 (2 being m.start() and 34 being
4 - prints nothing because its already been visited
e - prints 4
f - prints 5
Atlast, prints 6 where the zero length search is performed. Its because f lies between index 5 and index 6. Since the while loop will go till the end, that is, till the length of the string, it performs a zero lemgth match. Am I right till here? I just need to confirm whether I am going in the right direction or not.

If yes, then why is there not a zero length match at the beginning, that is, at index 0.

+Pie Number of slices to send: Send

The zero we got in the answer is because of 'a', the first character in the input string, right.

No... "a" does not match the regular expression -- neither does "b", "e", or "f". If "a" did match the regular expression, then the output would have been "0a", instead of "0".

+Pie Number of slices to send: Send
The regex engine goes to check the character between index 0 and index 1, finds zero or more '\d's there. Therefore, return the m.start() as 0 and returns "" as because it found no '\d'. Similarly, it goes to check the character between index 1 and index 2 and so on. After checking out the character in between index 5 and index 6, it goes to index 6 to do a zero length match.

Now, what I wanted to ask was that why didn't it do a zero length match in the beginning, at index 0.

+Pie Number of slices to send: Send

Now, what I wanted to ask was that why didn't it do a zero length match in the beginning, at index 0.

Here is the breakdown of the results

0 - zero length match before the first character -- at index 0
1 - zero length match after the previous match -- at index 1
234 - A match of "34" at index 2
4 - zero length match after the previous match -- at index 4
5 - zero length match after the previous match -- at index 5
6 - zero length match after the previous match -- at index 6

That's my roommate. He's kinda weird, but he always pays his half of the rent. And he gave me this tiny ad:
a bit of art, as a gift, the permaculture playing cards

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