FREE: SCBCD 5.0 Beta Certification Exam Are you a developer who is responsible for designing and implementing applications using Enterprise JavaBeans(TM) 3.0? If so, this is your opportunity to get involved in the creation of the Business Component Developer 5.0 exam!!!
As a beta tester, you officially
test the test and will be able to provide Sun with valuable comments and technical feedback about the Business Component Developer questions. The Sun beta exam counts towards official SCBCD Certification!
Beta Dates: December 8, 2006 � January 2, 2007
Registration Start Date: November 24, 2006 Recommended Prerequisites: Candidates MUST already be a Sun Certified Programmer (any edition) in order to receive your certification kit if you pass the beta exam.
It is strongly recommended that beta takers have 4-6 months experience using
EJB 3.0.
BETA EXAM REGISTRATION PROCEDURE Unlike other SUN Microsystems certification exams, this exam does NOT require a voucher. To register for the "Sun Certified Business Component Developer for the
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 5.0" Beta exam, you may register online at, and follow the prompts. Or, you may register by phone, by calling your regional Prometric registration office, listed at Asia/Australia 61-2-96405830
Europe 31-320-239-800
Japan 81-0120-107737
Latin America* Contact your local Prometric testing center, listed at USA/Canada 1-800-795-3926
You can go to: Thank you.
Evelyn Cartagena-Meyer
Java Certification Program Manager