1.(clear) if the number of correct answers to a question are more than one, it will be exactly stated from the question.
2.(clear) if the number of correct answers to a question is only one, it won't be stated from the question.
3.(clear) A question is scored only if all correct answers are chosen.
4.(clear) The examinee can get pencil and paper from the
test site.
5.(unclear) Can the examinee choose the questions to answer in its own sequence back and forth? e.g. there're questions from 1 to 10, can I choose the friendly questions 2,4,6,8,10 to answer firstly, then resort to the aweful rest ones?
6.(unclear) Can the examinee modify the answers for unlimited times before the clock stopps?
Welcome everybody to contribute to the list - you may answer the unclear items or add already clear items important for taking the exam on the day.