Take the first case
boolean b1 = false?false:true?false:true?false:true;
it has got 3 parts
1 - that which is coming before ? --> false
2 - one that is between ? and : --> false
3 - which is placed after : --> true?false:true?false:true;
since the boolean expression (one that is coming in the first part)is having false value, the statement coming after :
is evaluated.ietrue?false:true?false:true;
Again that is another conditional statement. so split that into 3 parts
1 --> true
2 --> false
3 --> true?false:true;
since here the boolean expression is true, it will have the value placed in the second part ie false
take the third case
boolean b3 = ((false?false:true)?false:true)?false:true;
SECTION 1 --> ((false?false:true)?false:true) ? false : true;
Because of parantheses, the 3 parts will be
1 --> ((false?false:true)?false:true)
2 --> false
3 --> true;
SECTION 2 --> (false?false:true)?false:true)
Evaluate the first part which is itself another conditional expression. So split that again
12--> false
13 --> true
SECTION 3 --> false?false:true
Again split the first part of 11
111--> false
112--> false
113 --> true
since 111 is false the third part will be returned which is having the value true.
This value will be substituted in SECTION 2. So it become
From here false value will be returned and substituted in SECTION 1.
so it become false? false : true
thus b3 will have the value true
You can
test the second case by yourself.