Hi all,
It�s been awhile since I visited this great place. Doubt anyone will remember me. Long story short I worked my way through the OOP exercises in the Cattle Drive getting nitpicked to death by Marilyn and others back in 2003. I got side tracked by work when my boss decided he wanted me to be a SAP Basis Admin for the new SAP R/3 ERP we were implementing. That took all my free time and then some.
Now I�m back on the
Java horse and have crawled my way back through the Cattle Drive exercises where I had left off only this time without the nitpicking. I�m currently studying for the
SCJP 1.5 exam and have Kathy and Bert�s book (chapters 1 & 2 read), the LearnKey MasterExam loaded, new pack of index
cards and my little-red-caboose attitude engaged.
Why am I taking the exam? It can�t hurt and to satisfy my personal desire to be a better programmer. Just two weeks of studying has been very enlightening.
Sorry about the rambling� figured I�d better give y�all a warning before I started exposing my ignorance around these here parts.