Having passed the exam, I thought I'd provide feedback on my planned exam technique, for the benefit of those who haven't taken their exam yet.
My first pass through the questions took longer than I had planned. I then went back for a second pass and checked/completed all of the marked questions. After that I only had 25 minutes left for checking, which meant that I only really had time to check that I had given the appropriate number of answers for each question. I probably could have used another 20 minutes to half an hour for thorough checking.
So my advice would be to make sure you keeping timing under control on that crucial first pass through the exam. I found it took me about 15-20 minutes to really get "warmed up" or "into the zone". If I was doing the exam again, I would probably be more inclined to mark-and-skip any questions that weren't obvious straight away during this initial period.
With regard to the drag-n-drop questions, the situation is pretty much as described in the K&B book, but you do get a warning that informs that you will loose your original answer if you try and review a drag-n-drop question (note: you also get this warning if you have simply viewed the question! I would recommend using the whiteboard to record the drag-n-drop questions and ticking them off once they are complete, or only unmark the question when you have completed it). I suspect I probably dropped most of my marks on the drag-n-drop questions as a result of this basic usability issue. Very annoying.
One other tip - if you are based in the UK and are thinking about using the
test centre in Reading, make sure you call them and check that the air conditioning has been fixed or use another centre. It got so hot in the test room I actually felt quite faint at times

Note to moderators: please leave this
thread in this forum, rather than moving it to the "success stories", as I think it will be useful for people who haven't taken the exam yet, who probably don't check the "success stories" forum so much.