Winay Kumar<br />SCJP 5.0
Scjp 1.4 - 80%
Originally posted by Abhi Kulkarni:
Hi Vishal..
I need a voucher. But it should be valid atleast till dis year end as i am not yet prepared for exam..I am a bit out of touch of Java coz of my job..
So I need a voucher at low cost n which shud b valid till Dec-07 or further..
I stay in Mumbai..
Keep Smiling Always — My life is smoother when running silent. -paul
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SCJP 5.0<br />Next-> I Don't Know
Originally posted by Ameen khan:
I live in kuwait can i get the voucher and appear in exam in kuwait
Keep Smiling Always — My life is smoother when running silent. -paul
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Originally posted by Abhi Kulkarni:
Hi Akhilesh !!!
I didnt get you!!!
Originally posted by Abhi Kulkarni:
Can ne1 tell me where i can find prometric centre in mumbai.
I stay near Thane
Keep Smiling Always — My life is smoother when running silent. -paul
[FAQs] [Certification Guides] [The Linux Documentation Project]
Keep Smiling Always — My life is smoother when running silent. -paul
[FAQs] [Certification Guides] [The Linux Documentation Project]
This guy is skipping without a rope. At least, that's what this tiny ad said:
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