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Can just anyone become a SCJP?

Ranch Hand
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I have passed the SCJP.

I told one of my college professors today that I am a SCJP.
She said ,and I quote"Whats there in that, Anyone can become a SCJP"
Now , I have started doubting the competency level of SCJP.
I did not find the exam easy.
Please comment.
Ranch Hand
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I too faced such comments. But, when I dived into the preparation I started realizing that its not that easy. Atleast SCJP 5. Perhaps, these guys that pass such comments have taken an earlier version of the exam or didn't take it at all. However, its true that becoming SCJP doesn't mean that one can 'develop' good software. Development surely is different and difficult too. If they passed such comments comparing SCJP with development, I agree with them.
Ranch Hand
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Anyone can attempt the SCJP. Only people with the required knowledge can pass. Of course there is value in passing a challenging test. Tell your prof to see how well she can do - but maybe wait until after she has submitted your final grade for this term.

I agree that the test is not easy. Having been coding in Java for several years, I did not do any prep prior to my first attempt. A similarly experienced colleague of mine and I decided to make a lunchtime outing of it thinking we would breeze through with flying colors. He barely passed and I failed. Quite a humbling experience for both of us.

So I bought Kathy and Bert's book, read it from cover to cover, took practice exams, went back, and passed the test. Definitely a learning experience. I went on to complete an SCJD project which was even more worthwhile.

As someone who interviews and hires Java programmers, it certainly means something to me when I see that people have the certs.
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Howdy ranchers,

Rohan wrote:

I told one of my college professors today that I am a SCJP.
She said ,and I quote "Whats there in that, Anyone can become a SCJP"

Take three sheets of paper. Print one easy, a middle and a difficult question from a good mock exam source on each paper.
Show them to the college professor and say: "these are typical SCJP questions, from easy to hard. Do you think anyone can answer them correctly?".

Just an idea.

By the way, Rohan, this seems to be one of your first postings here, so:

Welcome to the Ranch!

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Originally posted by rohan tiwari:

She said ,and I quote"Whats there in that, Anyone can become a SCJP"

I would tell her to step down as a professor. "Whats there in that" isn't even proper English. It makes no sense!.
Congrats on passing SCJP
Ranch Hand
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Originally posted by rohan tiwari:
I have passed the SCJP.

I told one of my college professors today that I am a SCJP.
She said ,and I quote"Whats there in that, Anyone can become a SCJP"
Now , I have started doubting the competency level of SCJP.
I did not find the exam easy.
Please comment.

She probably does not have an scjp or maybe she doesn't know what it is and feels uncomfortable admitting it. just maybe...we could speculate all day, just as we can with your question. but, to answer your question directly anyways, i say yes, anyone can become scjp if they pass the test.
Ranch Hand
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Hello, I just got the scjp book. I'm going to study for the exam, but yesterday I heard a comment from a former classmate that I quote here "I know people that have passed the examn and the do not really impress, and I also know people that haven�t taken the examn and they do know a lot".
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Why you guys are believe on somebody's comments? You know what you got from the exam. Let them tell what they want to, don't care.
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I have faced the same comments many..... times.
All I can tell you is
There are a lot of stupid people in this world, and just don't care about them.
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You must be satisfied after writing the exam . Aren't you ?
So forget about others and start thinking about the coming examination.If at all you are planning to give any!

Warm welcome to Javaranch!
[ September 13, 2007: Message edited by: Rahul Bhattacharjee ]
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Lets see from another angle. taking this exam is for the improvement of java programming and during the course you did make a great understanding of java language. whatever others comments are, you know you benefit from this exam, right?
Max Ma
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by the way, there are 2 kinds of SCJP, one is academic initiative and another one is sun microsystem the code are 210 and 310 respectively, the former one is �90 and the 310 one is �150. so some of the people who think the exam is easy may take the one with code 210. just a guess
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Hi People,

Am new to this forum and am preparing for the SCJP exam. I saw this discussion going on so I thought I might add something to it. Its true that I have met some people who have passed the exam but are not good "developers" (and I repeat "developers" for they really did understand the language but when it came down to making a project...), and then there were people who did not have the certification but they were really good at Java. However, I don't think it brings down the importance of the certification...because, where there are many people who pass this exam...there are many who fail at it too. You, seriously, need to study for it. And I think the exam is for one's own learning (ofcourse, the boost up in jobs helps too !! ) So, whatever anyone says...am still gonna go ahead and try for the certification..!!
Ranch Hand
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Congrats on becoming SCJP

In this world, the number of people who discourage are more than the number of people who encourage. I'm an SCJP and I know what it takes to be one. There are many Java professionals who write a lot and lot of Java code but do NOT know basics. By clearing SCJP you know the concepts well.

If you have come across job postings, there are many service based companies that specifically ask for cerified professionals. The reason is obvious - even they know what it takes to get certified.

People who have stuff tend to encourage than discourage. If someone has discouraged you then chances are that they want to preserve their impression of knowing all the things on the globe.
Ranch Hand
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HI friends!
I like to add my point in this discussion.

I feel difference in me after doing scjp.I am far quicker than my colleagues in debugging application.For the same problem they may take lot of time or some time they will ask me.It increased my efficiency ,as during scjp we are preparing in that way- whether code will compile or not? whether compile time exception or run time exception?

My primary aim was to get knowledge,not to impress others.Chances are that in your whole career you will never get to know about java in such a detail as you might know in 3 months of preparation.
Doing scjjp is worth.dont give second thought to it.
Good luck
Srikanth Basa
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Originally posted by raj malhotra:
I am far quicker than my colleagues in debugging application.For the same problem they may take lot of time or some time they will ask me.

Absolutely yes. I strongly agree +1
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I think what your professor is trying to say is that you do not necessarily become a better programmer once you've taken the exam which is true. What the exam does do very well is test your knowledge of the language and I can assure you that there are loads of experienced Java programmers that will fail the exam if they took it without studying.

I'm choosing to take the exam simply for self-development and to evaluate my level of proficiency as it's very easy to convince yourself that you're good at something even if you've not been tested. No one goes for an interview, knowing full well that there will be technical tests without preparing, do they?

Overall, I'd say it shows character and confidence on your part if you choose to take the exam because it means you're keeping your eyes on the market and looking for ways to distinguish yourself amongst the masses. I don't see anything wrong with that. People with that sort of mentality are the ones more likely to take responsibility for their career development instead of waiting for someone to drop some org chart of where they should be in 5 years time. They're the ones more likely to be working long hours (or should I say pretending to be working) when there's word on the street about restructuring cos' they know what they have nothing to offer.

When you're not sure of what you have to offer, you'll be tossed about every time the strong winds blow and strong winds will always come

Keep studying and remain focused. Given that your professor does not work in a commercial environment ...... .... need I say more. If she still insists, tell her to get a copy of "The World is Flat" by Thomas Friedman.

Happy Studying
rohan tiwari
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Liked your suggestion , Annette.
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(like your prof)many can say that, but when one starts to study for scjp he/she would realize that passing scjp is not that simple... it requires hard work, time, and dedication to succeed in passing the scjp.

if anyone can pass it, then everyone would be scjp by now (or not coz it wouldnt be of any value)
arch rival
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Just offer a bet to the professor for him to take the exam with no preparation.....

The world is full of people who have not taken the exam who say it is easy, there are far fewer who have taken it who say it is easy.
Ranch Hand
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i have spent such a long time (months and months) on prep and i am still not comprehended with some terms. cant literally write some code...but i am still not giving up!!!
Ranch Hand
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Originally posted by rohan tiwari:
I have passed the SCJP.

I told one of my college professors today that I am a SCJP.
She said ,and I quote"Whats there in that, Anyone can become a SCJP"
Now , I have started doubting the competency level of SCJP.
I did not find the exam easy.
Please comment.

You did not find the exam easy...and she is your professor and she thinks it is easy?
If I were you I would have told her that if she had prepared me better maybe I would think the exam was easier.
The exam was hard to me because you suck as a professor

Ranch Hand
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I have been a Java developer for many years, and felt I was a godo developer, always looking to improve, I am not doing so much programming thesedays, but have decided to take teh exam, well I decided that way back before 1.5, but ended up doing a c# role for awhile.

Anyway, I discovered that there is a lot I dont know or had just assumed about Java, so while i have been studying for the exam I have learnt a lot.

One of the things I found was I dont pay attention to the questions and that I am better at threads then I thought.

In away I agree and disagree with your Prof. you find this in many roles in life, people are good at exam might not be good at practical and vice versa.
The only sure thing one can say about the certification is that you are good at studying java and should have a min knowledge of Java.

Knowledge of Java dosnt mean you are automaticaly make you a good developer, you might not know how to design and develope with reuse in mind, with maintanability in mind.

I also disagree with your Prof. because you have learnt something useful in your time studying Java, you have put the effort in and been reward, this has practical benifits, which employers and your fellow Java developers recognise.

It is not easy I have learnt that, I get less then 50% on the self test questions in K&B and yet I am a good (i thought developer).

Welcome and well done on passing the exam!!!

With a little knowledge, a cast iron skillet is non-stick and lasts a lifetime.
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